We believe that to grow in faith, be encouraged, and have strength in today's world involves more than Sunday services.  Therefore, at Christian Church we have different ways to interact with the church family other than once a week.  We publish a calendar of recurring events including youth meetings, worship practice, and women's or men's groups.  The calendar also will list occasional special events.

You can view our events calendar in several ways: 

  • FEATURED EVENTS are those special, non-routine events we want to highlight for your attention.
  • EVENTS LIST is a vertical listing by date of all events. (We're working with tech support to get rid of the erroneous date ranges shown for repeating events. 3/15/2024)
  • FULL CALENDAR is in calendar form, but you see only the title of an event because of space limitations. You can click on an event and see the time, location, and description.

If looking for something specific (e.g., activities for youth, women, or men), you can search the calendar on either the "Events List" or "Full Calendar".

View events on our list view.

February 2025»
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
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