
Thank you for coming to this page!  There are many ways/roles -- big and small, upfront or behind the scenes, short or long-term -- you can serve the Lord and contribute to the mission of our church. Best of all, anyone/everyone has a place and can be of service to the Lord!

For leadership and teaching roles (including church sponsored Bible studies and Small Groups leaders/facilitators), we require church membership and to work under the direction of the staff and elders.  Background checks are performed on all Sunday School teachers.

If you are uncertain how you might serve or you would like more information about membership, please contact Pastor Tony at  . We value your willingness and want you to be joyful in your service to the Lord.

If you prefer to serve within a specific ministry, click one of these links for a description and contact person(s):

Listed below are a variety of volunteer opportunities currently available. Review and see if any interest you. If you have a talent or skill to share that doesn’t fit our current list, please feel free to make a proposal, and we'll work with you to find the best way to use your talents and serve.

Worship Team

The first part of every Sunday service is worship through song as the congregation lifts their voices to the Lord. 


Currently, we do not have an official Worship Leader or Worship Team.  Various volunteers are planning different Sundays of the month and recruiting others to be on their teams. Some Sundays we have no leader, so we play a worship video that shows the words of the song, has one or more singers on the audio track, and the congregation joins. In either scenario, the worship is meaningful, joyful, and the Lord lifted high.

The church has a synthesizer, an upright piano, and drums. Members of the worship team bring their own guitars or other instruments. Traditionally, we have a practice session on Tuesday evening from 6-7:30 p.m.

If singing or playing an instrument for Sunday services is your talent, contact Jane Francis (503-470-0885).

If operating the sound equipment for Sunday services interests you, contact Chuck Chitwood (503-338-9866).

If operating the computer and displays for Sunday services interests you, contact Jim Francis (503-470-0667).


As the first person(s) newcomers may see when coming in our door for Sunday service, we want to be sure to welcome them with a cheerful "Good Morning", warm smile, and the love of Christ.  All are welcome here, and we want to be sure to make everyone feel comfortable and safe.


If hospitality is your gift or you have a warm/friendly smile/personality, please join our team of greeters. Your main time to be at the front door of the church is for 20 minutes prior to the service. We have some training ready for you, such as things to say and things to avoid saying. Contact Jane Francis (503-470-0885).

If committing to being an official “greeter” is not right for you at this time, you can always look for new faces within the sanctuary or as people are leaving and introduce yourself welcoming them.

Breakfast Ministry - Warrenton

Quite a few years ago, we had a bus ministry to pick up children whose parents did not come to church. We realized that some of the children coming to Sunday school classes at 9 AM. had not had breakfast. It was hard for them to concentrate on the lesson. A couple stepped forward and began preparing hot breakfasts for the young people and their teachers.

Eventually, everyone was invited to enjoy breakfast in the Fellowship Hall (lower level of the Warrenton location).  It has become a time for fellowship and getting to know people in the congregation. Currently, breakfast is served at 8:15 – 8:45 AM on the first Sunday monthly.

There is always a team in the kitchen, so no one has to take on the whole responsibility. Various tasks include 1) plan menu, 2) buy supplies, 3) cook food and serve guests, 4) clean up, and 5) deal with leftovers.

Contact Liliana Sedano (208-316-0276) if interested.

Information Technology

We have a network, computers, and devices for staff. Jim Francis has been managing this area by himself but is eager to train others to help with the task. If IT is your talent/interest, please contact Jim (503-470-0667) or email 

Website Maintenance

Many of the people who "find" us and then visit have done so by on-line searching for a Christian church in the area. We are glad they find our website near the top of the results. We want this site to be helpful to both regulars and newcomers.

If you have a knack for detail and computer-related work, you could take on a small portion of the required updates instead of being overwhelmed with the whole website and all its intricacies.

Contact Jane Francis (503-470-0885) for more information.

Building and Grounds

We have hired a company to do some of the outdoor work on our campus, but there are opportunities for you to show your creativity and your green thumb. 

Buildings need maintenance and upgrades, from plumbing to installing new doors. Interested in helping? Email Pastor Tony at .

Can you believe these volunteers are SMILING as the rain falls and the wind blows? They showed up for a grounds clean-up day on March 9, 2024, in preparation for Easter. 

The foliage around the Knappa location needs to be pruned now and then.

Knappa building

Blessing Teams - Warrenton 

Two or three persons volunteer for a period of time (usually one month) to be on call to help with church events that occur during that time period.  Events may include celebrations of life, wedding/baby showers, and other special events. The team may be responsible for planning, set-up, serving, and clean-up. In addition, the team looks for ways to bless people--like visiting a shut-in, mowing the lawn for someone who had surgery, fixing a fence, taking meals to someone, writing cards, babysitting, etc. 

Both women and men can volunteer to be on a Blessing Team.

For more information or to volunteer: Contact Jane Francis (503-470-0885) or Carol Folk (541-974-3255)