We are WOVEN. Women of Victory Encouraging and Nurturing. Motivated solely by the gospel, WOVEN assists our congregation in encouraging, nurturing, and equipping women to use their God-given gifts faithfully and fully to love God, love people, and make disciples.
- Encourage and model personal study of the Bible so each woman takes responsibility for her own spiritual growth.
- Work under the direction of the elders.
- Explore scripturally sound opportunities for service in every calling of life from home, to church, to the world.
- Equip women to fulfill their callings.
- Educate women on the biblical role of womanhood.
- Offer a variety of venues for communicating and sharing ideas.
- Co-Chairs: Jane Francis (503-470-0885) and Carol Folk (541-974-3255)
- Event Planning Committee: Joanne Dillon, Kim Dugan, Jane Francis, Carla Moha
Events: All are welcome. Currently, activities/events are primarily located at the Warrenton location.
Prayer Group: Every Monday at 10 AM in the Warrenton church foyer.
Bible Study: Three sessions occur on Thursdays: 10-11:30AM, 2-3:30PM, and 7-8:30PM in the Warrenton church foyer. New studies are announced via the WOVEN newsletter. For information, contact co-chair Carol Folk (541-974-3255).
Other Activities: See the Calendar section of WOVEN's monthly newsletter. Find printed copies of the newsletter in the church entryway. If you want to receive newsletters via email, contact co-chair Jane Francis at
Volunteer: We have up-front and behind-the-scenes volunteering opportunities. Whatever time or skills you have to offer, we believe we can involve you in meaningful activities for the benefit of our church.