If you provide your name and email address to the church, you can access the church directory. You will be able to update your profile (e.g. change your address or add a cell phone number)

Some people who attend prefer not to be listed in the directory, so you will not find their info. You have a choice as to whether you want to be listed. Write to  to express your preference.

Our church’s people database is ELEXIO. The following instructions tell you how to access the directory on either your computer or your mobile device.

On your computer

In your web browser, go to

First try method 1 below. If that doesn’t work, try method 2. 

  1. If the church DID have your email address originally, then use your email as your username.
  2. If the church DID NOT have your email address originally, then your username is your own name in this format: Firstname.Lastname
  3. Alternatively, if you have signed up with a Ministry ID (to access a variety of Christian sites), click that link.

On your mobile device

Use Elexio Community app on your mobile device to gain access to the directory.

Go to iPhone’s AppStore or Google’s Play Store; Search for Elexio Community. After installation, specify the domain cconline

First try method 1 below. If that doesn’t work, try method 2.

  1. If the church DID have your email address originally, then use your email as your username.
  2. If the church DID NOT have your email address originally, then your username is your own name in this format: Firstname.Lastname
  3. Alternatively, if you have signed up with a Ministry ID (to access a variety of Christian sites), click that link.